Electrophoresis Exhaust Gas Composition and Treatment

I.Composition of electrophoresis exhaust gas

Electrophoresis exhaust gas generally contains the following components:

1. Organic gas: Organic substances in electrophoresis coating liquid are generated after heating and volatilization.

2. Oxide: During electrophoresis treatment, the metal surface will be oxidized, thus oxidized exhaust gas will be generated.

3. Chrome-containing exhaust gas: In the process of electrophoresis, chromium plating is adsorbed on the surface of electrodes, and chromium-containing exhaust gas is generated after treatment.

4. Acid cream exhaust gas: it exists in the dissolving tank and washing tank, which is mainly composed of acidic solution and surfactant, and will produce strong acid cream exhaust gas after treatment.

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II.Electrophoresis exhaust gas treatment method

Electrophoresis exhaust gas generally adopts the following treatment methods.

1. Treatment by adsorbent: granular activated carbon can be used for adsorption, or adsorbent materials such as molecular sieve can be selected for treatment, but the adsorbent needs to be replaced regularly.

2. Treatment with oxidizing agent: high temperature catalysis, low temperature plasma and other chemical reactions can be used for oxidative decomposition, but the operation cost is high.

3. Thermal oxidation treatment: the exhaust gas is heated, dissolved and sent to the combustion chamber for high-temperature oxidative decomposition, which is a more reliable and economical way of exhaust gas treatment.

In short, enterprises should combine their own production conditions, select the appropriate waste gas treatment. At the same time, improve the management and technical level of the production process, reduce emissions is also an important measure of environmental protection.

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